

Reaching the Inaccessible: Ludwigia peruviana

How to treat an outbreak of a prohibited invasive weed that can’t be accessed by land? Ausecology knew it was time to get creative!


Niche completes acquisition of Ausecology

On the 7th of November, Niche (Niche Environment and Heritage Pty Ltd) announced it has completed the acquisition of Ausecology (Ausecology Pty Ltd). Ausecology will now operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of Niche. Commenting on the acquisition of Ausecology, Niche’s Managing Director Ian Rollins, said, “We are pleased to have completed this process and to now have Ausecology as

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Niche to acquire Ausecology

Today Ausecology (Ausecology Pty Ltd) announces it has entered into a binding share sale and purchase agreement with Niche (Niche Environment and Heritage Pty Ltd).  Announcing the acquisition of Ausecology, Niche’s Managing Director Ian Rollins, said: “Niche is one of Australia’s largest privately owned consultancies with nature, biodiversity and heritage as primary core services. The acquisition of Ausecology enhances Niche’s capacity and

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Ecological Burns in Central Queensland

Ausecology Pty Ltd recently conducted a number of prescribed ecological burns in central Queensland. These burns were carried out on behalf of our clients as part of offset management services we provide. Ecological burns aim to reduce fuel loads on the ground layer and restore grasses in areas where shrub layers have thickened due to a lack of fire or due to the

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Ausecology awarded ARTC Inland Rail Project

The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) have awarded Ausecology the Inland Rail QLD Biodiversity Offset Site Delivery Program. Inland Rail is the largest freight rail infrastructure project in Australia spanning more than 1,700 km making it one of the most significant infrastructure projects in the world. Once complete, the rail will better link businesses, farmers and producers to national and

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Cycas megacarpa – offsetting endangered plants

The pipelines have been installed and are now operational and Ausecology’s focus in central Queensland has transitioned to delivering long term rehabilitation and environmental offset obligations, as required under state and federal Environmental Approvals. Most recently, this work has included offsetting the endangered species Cycas megacarpa. Ausecology has been involved with C. megacarpa for over five years. We have undertaken

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Hazard Reduction Burns to Protect Ecological Offset Values

In preparation for an elevated bushfire risk this season, Ausecology been busy conducting hazard reduction burns in order to minimise fire risk to ecological values contained within the offset properties we manage. The burns were planned and controlled by Ausecology personnel with training and experience in rural fire management. Ausecology undertook all planning and preparation for the burns, including manual and mechanical firebreak construction, fuel

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Melaleuca irbyana offset

Ausecology has been engaged by North East Business Park to undertake offset property management services over 40 ha on a property just south of Rosewood, Queensland. This property has a very significant stand of Melaleuca irbyana (swamp tea tree) growing on it, which is listed as a critically endangered ecological community under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act and

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Life next to Brisbane’s busiest roads

Over the past 18 months, Ausecology has been working with Lendlease on the Gateway Upgrade North project and the Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade, both in Brisbane. Ausecology undertook the pre-clearance ecology surveys for both projects and has been providing fauna spotter catcher services during the construction works. During this 18 month period, the Ausecology fauna spotter catcher team has encountered

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Dam offsets

Ausecology has been awarded a three year contract by SEQWater to undertake the implementation of the Wyaralong Dam and the Wivenhoe Dam offset management plans.As specialists in providing offset management and planning services, Ausecology is managing these offsets to meet the approval conditions set by the Coordinator-General and the Commonwealth Government.The Project aims to achieve remnant status across the site through tree

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