Biodiversity offset management
Environmental project delivery company, Ausecology Pty Ltd, is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a five year contract with Origin Energy Resources Limited (Origin) to deliver all field management activities for Origin’s existing biodiversity offset sites in Queensland. Ausecology has been working with Origin for the last two years and the new long-term contract is designed to deliver large scale environmental offset outcomes.
Under the contract, Ausecology will provide a full suite of field environmental services including:
- Fire risk management and response – installation and maintenance of fire breaks and other fire infrastructure, fuel load management, bushfire preparedness activities (fire drills, planned ecological burns, stakeholder meetings and collaboration).
- Enhancement of vegetation and habitat – brigalow thinning, assisted regeneration and grazing management, as well as planting and maintenance of endangered, vulnerable and near threatened (EVNT) plants.
- Weed and pest control
- BioCondition assessments and targeted fauna survey
- Annual reporting against site specific offset (and rehabilitation) area management plans.
For more information please contact Ausecology on [email protected]
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